
This is a page to promote all the wonderful things that happen in our All-America City, Cottage Grove, Oregon.

If you are involved in something that you would like shared with others, let me know.

I can help you spread the word, plus, I may even interview you to create an article about your suggestion.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New Economic Development Website

Have you had a chance to check out the new website for the Economic Business Improvement District of Cottage Grove? It is actually a partnership between the city http://www.cottagegrove.org/ the chamber http://cgchamber.com/ and the Economic Development Committee.

Check out the site at http://www.growingthegrove.com/

You'll find some great success stories as well as information for anyone desiring to start a business here in Cottage Grove. Let me know what you think of the site!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Chamber Banquet

At the end of the evening I found written on the coffee mug of a tablemate, “The past cannot be changed, but the future is whatever you want it to be.” This was very appropriate as the theme of the evening was, “Remembering the past, looking forward to the future.” Friday, January 22, 2010, was The 61st Annual Cottage Grove Area Chamber of Commerce Awards & Installation Banquet. Held at the Catholic Church Parish Center, the room was set with great ambient lighting, leading to a festive feel.

The evening started with George Devine, a chamber board president from the late ‘90s and owner of Cascade Home Center, reflecting on what he remembered from that time. He recalled that a decade ago Cottage Grove was dealing with a defunct high school, train yard, hospital and an empty lot on Main St. In the past ten years, through the countless hours of volunteer service contributed by this community, we now have a top-of-the-line high school, a new hospital, the afore mentioned All America City Square and the beautiful Bohemia Amphitheater and Park now in progress.

He pointed out and acknowledged that without the dedicated citizens of this town and all their effort, Cottage Grove would not be the great place to live that it is. It is through all that effort and dedication that we were named an All-America City in 2004 for the second time (first 1968), which rarely happens.

The program began with the area’s original chamber greeter, Marge Wrightson, introducing The Junior First Citizens. She emphasized that these two young ladies had learned to live by the phrase, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” In past years the Chamber Greeters have given out five scholarships to area youth. This year, though, due to the economy, they only had two awards. Aislinn Mirsch was awarded a $500 scholarship and Shelby Stepper was awarded $1000 for her education.

Krista Parent, Superintendent of South Lane School District presented the next two awards. The Teacher of the Year, GeriAnn Walker, was praised for her availability to students and co-workers. This year for the first time an award was given for The Classified Employee of the Year. Marlene Culp was a very deserving recipient, having just celebrated her 31st year of serving meals to the students of Cottage Grove. Culp was commended for her theme-based lunches and all she does with the summer food program to keep Cottage Grove children fed year-round.

Two awards were given to couples this year. Judd & Sharon Van Gorder presented The Distinguished Service Award to Joyce and Jim Settlemeyer, not knowing that they were to be the recipients of the Citizen of the Year Award later in the evening. The Settlemeyers and their sons have been organizing the annual Tree of Joy for many years. In addition to the almost 500 gifts they facilitate being given to children in our community; they also organize and manage two annual runs as fundraisers for organizations such as Community Sharing. The Jingle Bell Run and That Dam Run are enjoyed by participants in Cottage Grove annually.

Business of the Year was given to the Axe & Fiddle, who were commended for all the work and effort that they put into restoring their building, which resulted in them being given the State’s designation as a Historic Building. They also contribute greatly to our community with fundraisers for Habitat for Humanity and others.

The final presentation of the evening was The Citizen of the Year Award given to Judd and Sharon Van Gorder, who from the list of volunteer service they perform, must be busy volunteering each and every day in addition to running their two home based businesses, Carousel House B&B and Catering. During this award, after a rousing standing ovation, I saw members of the audience with tears in their eyes including the Van Gorders. Judd Van Gorder stated that the reason this award meant so much to them was because it was from the people of Cottage Grove. In addition to handing out the award for distinguished service, the Van Gorder’s also catered the event, so they were busy all night, playing many different roles.

There was an awesome video presentation by a committee of Chamber Board members detailing some history and points of interest in Cottage Grove. I am hoping to get a copy to post here soon.